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Routine Equine sports massage 

Routine Equine sports massage: Services

what is equine sports massage and what does it do ?

A equine sports massage therapist, will employ massage techniques on competition, leisure and companion horses and ponies.
When muscles are overused or misused, they can become sore or overstretched. Your horse may then compensate by improperly using other muscles or tensing up, leading to potential injury, restricted motion, discomfort and decreased performance quality.
Massage therapists,  locate and treat muscle strains, injuries and tension. By promoting muscle relaxation, circulation and healing, we can improve the horse’s performance, balance and comfort.
Massage can be helpful in maintaining health and preventing injury in addition to addressing problems.  It also helps to prevent muscle knots and helps ensure that muscles can fully contract and relax.

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what are the benefits ?

  • Increased range of movement and stride length

  • Reduced activity of nociceptive pain receptors

  • Reduced muscle tension and soreness

  • Reduced muscle spasm

  • Greater flexibility and range of motion

  • Increased sense of wellbeing and reduced stress

  • Enhances blood flow

  • Improved proprioception

  • Improved posture, circulation, hair coat, muscle tone

  • Immune system support

  • Injury prevention

  • Reduced fatigue

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what to expect at your appointment?

At your appointment, first we will discuss your horse’s history whether that be previous illness or injuries or changes in workload or any ongoing veterinary investigations including if they are up to date with saddle teeth and farrier. ( if they aren’t up to date then don’t panic.) It is important all this information is disclosed even if you don’t think its relevant anymore. If your horse is under current veterinary investigation for lameness or muscle conditions/problems this must be disclosed before you appoint as in this case I will have to obtain your vet permission to treat.

once we have discussed all the relevant information I will ask to see your horse walk and trot up. (I recommend you wear a riding hat when doing this, if you chose not to its at your own risk) Unforchantly if your horse presents lame at this stage then we will no be able to proceed.

Then the treatment will take place, this can be from 45mintues to 1.5hrs depending on my finding and to whether or not your horse has regular treatments.

After the treatment I will record all of my finding including the information that we discussed at the beginning, I will ask you to sign the bottom of the form to show that you are happy with everything that I have written. I will then take a picture the form for my own records and they you will receive the paper copy.

your horse will require a day off after treatment depending on my finding they may be able to go for a light hack the next day but we will discuss this. 

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How often should my horse be treated?

this will completely depend on your horse and what you do with them. If your horse is retired or a companion the every 6 months would be recommend unless i found anything that required more attention.
If you are competing or training regularly pushing your horse to learn new things then every 8 to 10 weeks is recommended so we can keep on top of any areas of tension, keeping your horse as comfortable as possible whilst they change and build there muscles for new things.
if you are doing low level competing/ clinic then every 3 months is recommended.
All my recommendation will depend on the individual and my finding, the informaion above is a guide only.

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Price List

Equine sports massage 1 horse


2 or more 

£40 each

5 or more 

£35 each

Routine Equine sports massage: Price List
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